Bahía Blanca - Ingeniero White in South Pampa

Bahía Blanca - Ingeniero White

Latitude 38º 47.6’ S / Longitude 62º 16.0’ W
Blanca bay
Bahía Blanca - Province of Buenos Aires

Paper charts ENC Foreign charts
ARG H-249, H-254, H-256, H-257, H258, H-259 AR402550, AR402560, AR502590 BA 1331, 3066, 3755 / US 23030, 23121, 23122, 23124, 23126, 23128


Town 9 km south of Bahía Blanca (population 279,000) in the southern area of the province of Buenos Aires, with a population of 10,400. It is the largest petrochemical production area in the country, and it also has a significant agricultural related industry and oil refineries. It has excellent road access, five highways connect it with all cardinal points, as well as the railway service of Ferrosur Roca. The Comandante Espora airport is served by daily domestic flights.

Recently in this port:

Bahía Blanca. Prevén la construcción de un nuevo muelle en el puerto de Bahía - 13 Jan 2017

or Adrián Luciani

Cerrarán la dársena. La Nación piensa destinar 170 millones de pesos.

Aunque aún no hay información oficial, pudo saberse que en el seno del Consorcio de Gestión del Puerto se trabaja firmemente en un proyecto destinado a construir un nuevo muelle en puerto... Read more